Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Hams

These are the greatest cheesiest grins. Cheese and Ham: that sums them up perfectly. If you look closely you can see the subtle red hair coming in on Avery. Yes, it's true, her little fuzz top may just be inherited from Grandpa Bruce yet. We're hoping it'll keep growing in red. So far, it is much more blond than her brother or sister ever were. She shines in front of a camera doesn't she? When I pull it out, I always hear a resounding cheeeeeeese from her little face.
Where as Mille is finally starting to not notice me snapping away as much and I've been able to capture her in some beautiful moments. She looks lighter than air, floating on the breeze. That would be a great way to describe our beautiful Mille. She sort of flutters about in her play, so soft on her feet, and can't wait to start ballet in the fall.
But she also loves to climb and jump from high places. While she was climbing away in the lilac bushes I was able to get some great pictures of her.

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