Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A last day at the park!

Here we are on a last outing to the Snake River before cooler weather hits and, of course, before the Baby arrives. Little did we know as we were spending the day enjoying ourselves having a barbecue at this beautiful park with good friends, that we would be going home that night to have a baby.

So here's the story: After 4 days past my due date, i was getting antsy to have the baby, and I had always taken castor oil with all of my other kids. So I decided this Sunday afternoon was the day. I took some that afternoon before we packed up and headed out to the River to pick blackberries and enjoy the end of summer days. It was a great day, and headed home that evening around 5:30. By that time I just figured I wouldn't be having the baby because nothing was happening. But then on the drive home I started to think something was gradually coming on. We got home and I was still doubtful it was real labor, but we got prepared just in case. Got the kids all cleaned up and off to bed, and I still thought I wasn't going to progress, but I called my midwife to tell her just in case and let her know i was going to bed, but she might get a call in the middle of the night if anything came of it. Well at 9:30 I thought now this is the real thing and I called her back to come over and we started filling up the pool with hot water. The only thing I can complain about is that i didn't even get to climb in and use that great pool because at 9:54 I could feel the baby's head and our midwife ran in just in time to help catch her and I was holding baby Ruby in my arms. Wow, what a delivery. So Ruby made her debut in all her beautiful Glory on August 29th just before 10:00pm. Thanks be to God!

Here is our Human Cannonball and the Girl on the Flying trapeze dressed up in their costumes for a fun Circus Birthday Party.
Simeon's First day back in School. Here is his kindergarten class
He's raring to go!
And looking quite dapper!
Another last of summer!
A day at the pond fishing. This was the best face of the day. Unfortunately we forgot the worms, so they didn't catch any fish that day. But who needs fish? Not Mille.

Simeon got a brand new man pole.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Anna--I can't believe you took the oil before you left town! You're lucky you didn't have her at the river!! :)