Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Absolute Ultimate Reserection Day Present!

I was so excited to receive a composter and beautiful orange bucket for Easter. And I'll tell you why I think it is the greatest gift ever. It is the perfect symbol of what we're celebrating. New Life! You put in the old, the waste, the dead, and out comes rich, healthy soil that grows new plants full of fruit from which we eat. What a great way to remember what Christ has done for us (even every time I work in my yard).

And here is what Avery thinks about her basket...oh such flavor.

The chicken race
Simeon got a basket made for the yard also, just in the form of a dump truck. Here he is with all his favorite things to celebrate how blessed we are by the life we have in Christ!
Camille enjoyed her much softer presents. Ask her what her horses name is next time you see her.

1 comment:

Jianna Bull said...

What is her horses name??