Friday, August 29, 2008

Another vacation with the Landis'

The North Fork of the Clearwater RiverWe headed out expecting to arrive at our camp spot within 31/2 hours. 8 hours later we pulled into Aquarius campground and set up camp in the pouring rain. Griswalds eat your heart out. If we weren't laughing about it most of the long brutal drive, we would have resorted to crying. But it was so unimaginable we had to laugh, mostly to keep our sanity. It all started with a flat tire on our tent trailer, which led to us noticing to almost flat tire on our car. So we had a long pit stop to get those fixed. And then couldn't find where we were actually going on our map and had to backtrack quite a ways. And then between Simeon groaning and moaning in the back of the car about every possible aching symptom you get from traveling, we finally found our destination many hours later. However, the next day proved to be all worth it. The sun came out and we were in a little paradise. The crystal clear green water and long sandy beaches made it all worth it. It was very lush forest and many creeks were flowing into the river as well, and all of them were loaded with fish. So we all played and relaxed and ate and enjoyed this day to the fullest.
Running free!

We will definitely put this on our list of annual camping trips.

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