Sunday, May 4, 2008

The munchkins are down

This was a tough week because we had two little ones with a fairly bad bout of the stomach flu. Simeon had it the worst. I think because his body is older now, his system takes it harder. He started one night, and couldn't keep anything down for almost 36 hours. I took this picture because i loved just seeing his father laying with him trying to comfort him. We new he felt really bad because he didn't get off the couch for two days, and that is just not Simeon.Through all the endless piles of laundry, bedding and clothes soiled every few hours and giving every minute to two little ones needing mommy, I was exhausted myself, but I still had to smile at the tenderness Simeon showed to his sister even when he didn't feel good. He shared his popsicle with her on the couch.
It was amazing to see, that even though Simeon was suffering and there wasn't anything I could do about it to just fix it and make him feel better, there was so much good that came out of it. I think that's so often how God works in our lives. When the situation is simply out of our control and we just have to walk through it, He uses it to teach us things and mature us along the way. Simeon was so grateful to be feeling well again and it helped give him a little bigger perspective in his little world.
And it was such a blessing to have some warm, sunny days in the midst of all of this, to keep on going.

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